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 Cummins Taps 54 Million from US government

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2 posters

Posts : 1381

Age : 62
Location : North Bay Ont, Canada

Cummins Taps 54 Million from US government Empty
PostSubject: Cummins Taps 54 Million from US government   Cummins Taps 54 Million from US government EmptyJanuary 12th 2010, 7:21 am

In the lite of CAT getting off the Road, Cummings has now had their tanks topped up with 54 million
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Posts : 2938

Age : 39
Location : Taunton, MA

Cummins Taps 54 Million from US government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cummins Taps 54 Million from US government   Cummins Taps 54 Million from US government EmptyJanuary 12th 2010, 12:29 pm

Quote :
The goal of the project is to improve Class 8 vehicle freight efficiency by 50 percent through advanced and efficient technologies.

50%? Thats crazy, but would be awesome to see.
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Cummins Taps 54 Million from US government
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