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 Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide

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Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide Empty
PostSubject: Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide   Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide EmptyDecember 24th 2009, 4:40 pm

This is just beyond wrong. Especially at Christmas.... Corporate ***holes!
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Almost Addicted Member
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Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide   Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide EmptyDecember 24th 2009, 6:44 pm

wow, that's bs.. don't the drivers have the right to sue in a situation like this?
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Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide   Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide EmptyDecember 24th 2009, 11:20 pm

what a load of crap.....
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Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide   Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide EmptyDecember 24th 2009, 11:49 pm

That is beyond wrong. That's.....words cannot even DESCRIBE. Evil or Very Mad
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Almost Addicted Member
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Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide   Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide EmptyDecember 25th 2009, 1:04 am

sounds like something enron would have done lol
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Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide   Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide EmptyDecember 25th 2009, 2:32 pm

Yeah tell me about it!! And no they can't sue in this situation because arrow has not fired anybody nor filed bankruptcy they basically laid everybody off and there's nothing that goes against that it's basically the same thing as canstruction companies laying you off in the down season and suspending operations for the season.

However I agree it's bulspit all the same!
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Almost Addicted Member
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Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide   Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide EmptyDecember 25th 2009, 9:42 pm

yeah but leaving them out on the road in mid route? there has to be some kind of law suit there somewhere, that's complete bs and if i was 1 of their drivers, i'd be looking elsewhere for a job and tell arrow to kiss my hairy white you know what! lol
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Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide   Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide EmptyDecember 25th 2009, 10:13 pm

they didnt lay anyone off.. they just suspendid all they routes.. none of the employes where officially informed of being laid off... it woundnt surprise me if one of the employes didnt walk into the ceo's house and shoot him..

if i was one of there employes i would have backed my leased truck right through headquarters.. lol
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Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide   Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide EmptyDecember 25th 2009, 10:15 pm

now that would be some payback lol
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Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide   Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide EmptyDecember 26th 2009, 6:49 pm

I'm really not one to comment on something I haven't gotten all the story on... but I can't imagine a company doing something like that to their employees.

I haven't heard one good thing about Arrow through this hole ordeal.
I even heard that one driver was holding his load hostage (refusing to deliver it) until Arrow reactivated his fuel card to get him home.

Another store was, a driver took his truck and dropped it off at the nearest Freightliner dealership. The dealership payed the fuel and his to deliver it to his Freightliner dealership in his home town.

Apparently some of Arrow's dispatchers knew this was coming and gave some of the drivers a heads up the day before, so some of the Arrow drivers made sure their fuel tanks were full to get them home for the D day
Too bad Arrow is burning so many bridges
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Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide   Arrow trucking shuts down stranding drivers nationwide EmptyDecember 26th 2009, 7:38 pm

In2Trux wrote:
I even heard that one driver was holding his load hostage (refusing to deliver it) until Arrow reactivated his fuel card to get him home.

i wouldn't deliver it either, why should be? his job was officially suspended, meaning he was relieved of his duties. you can't tell me they were expected to use their own hard earned cash to finish their route and return home. if their gas cards were terminated, than that's basically telling them 'you're SOL and out of a job'
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